Prices for CompactDiscs from HPE:
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HPE-CD 03 |
Hans Pizka Vol.4: |
"Rare Horn Concertos" not yet available |
Jiri Pauer: Concerto (1968), Bernhard Krol:
Concerto Study in Jazz (1967) Franz Reinl: Jagdkonzert Not available yet |
HPE-CD05 |
Portrait: |
Dame Ethel Smyth: Concerto f.Horn, Viol. &
Orch., Saint Saens: Morceaux du Concert, Pieces de Koechlin, planned but not yet available R.Gliere: Concerto op.91 & others |
HPE-CD10 |
Hans Pizka: Vol.7 |
"The Horn - Singer" |
Transciptions of famous operatic arias & songs for horn & piano by Schubert, Schumann,
Wagner, R. Strauss to be published later € 15.- w/o VAT - |
scores are available at HPE Hans Pizka Edition
HPE-CD11 |
Hans Pizka: Vol.8 |
"Number 3" |
for horn quartet and horn quintet, arranged by Erich Pizka, played on Viennese F Horns to be published later €
15.- w/o VAT - |
scores for horn quartet or horn choir are available at HPE Hans Pizka Edition
HPE-CD12 |
Hans Pizka: Vol.9 |
"The Horn Choir" |
Original Pieces for Eight Horns and arrangements by Erich Pizka &
others all played on Viennese F Horns to be published later € 15.- w/o VAT - |
scores for horn quartet or horn choir are available at HPE Hans Pizka Edition
Bassoon Concertos |
Concertos by Vanhal, V. Pichl
& Schimpke played by the Symphony of Zlin (Czech Rep.), Jaroslav
Kubita (bassoon) €
10.- w/o VAT/ |
scores & piano reductions are available at HPE Hans
Pizka Edition
"Postbarocke Konzerte fuer Diskant- horn" |
Postbaroque Concertos for
High Horn
By Josef Fiala,
Peter Fux, F.X.Pokorny, J.K.J.Neruda Stanislav Suchanek (Horn),
Philharmonic Chamber Orchestra € 10.- w/o VAT/ |
scores & piano reductions are available at HPE Hans
Pizka Edition
ARS FCD 368315 |
Forgotten Romantic Songs Vol.1 |
Cornelia Wulkopf (alt), Manfred
Neukirchner (horn) & Klaus Schilde (piano) Schubertīs
"Auf dem Strom", C.G.Reissigerīs "Hornesruf" &
"Abendstaendchen", Louis Spohrīs "Was treibt den Waidmann in
den Wald", Conradin Kreutzerīs "Das Muehlrad", Franz von
Suppeīs "Gefangen", Hector Berliozī "Le jeune patron
breton", Heinrich Prochīs "Thuermerīs Nachtlied",
"Wanderlied" & "Die Mutter wird mich fragen", Franz
Lachnerīs "Das Waldvoeglein", "Herbst",
"Fragen", "Bewusstsein" & "Seejungfern" €
15.- w/o VAT/ |
scores are available at HPE Hans Pizka Edition
except Lachnerīs "Seejungfern", Richard Straussī "Alphorn
ARS FCD 368335 |
Forgotten Romantic Songs Vol.2 |
"Der Postillion op.44", Theodor Lachnerīs:
"Waldeinsamkeit" & "Bitte", C.G.Reissigerīs "
Der wandernde Waldhornist", Richard Straussī "Alphorn op.15
No.III", Charles Gounodīs "Le Soir", Gaetano Donizettiīs
"LīAmor funesto", Franz Lachnerīs "Notte suave delicia"
& "Nachts in der Kajuete", Ignaz Lachnerīs "Ueberall Du
op.17", J. Netzerīs "An Emma op.5", Heinrich Prochīs "Frage
nicht op.83", "Der blinde Fischer op.17", "Lebewohl op.35"
& "Ob sie meiner wohl gedenkt op.22", J.W.Kalliwoda
"Heimweh" & Otto Nicolaiīs "Die Treue op.30"
€ 15.- w/o VAT/ |
scores are available at HPE Hans Pizka Edition except
Otto Nikolaiīs "Die Treue",
while Otto Nikolais "Die Traene"
is available for Soprano or Mezzosoprano.