The "Erich-Pizka-Memorial-Horn-Quartet"

The "Erich Pizka Memorial Horn Quartet" at Schloss Weinberg Castle Nov.21st 1996, snapshot by Michael Soellner.

From left:
Hans Pizka (Bavarian State Orchestra, State Opera Munich, 1st horn),
Erhard Zehetner (free lance hornist & director of the music school in Kremsmuenster,
Upper Austria, 2nd horn),
Franz Soellner (Vienna Philharmonic, Vienna State Opera, 3rd horn - early retired now due to a home accident, when a front teeth broke & cut the nerve of the lower lip irrepairable),
Eduard Geroldinger (free lance hornist & director of the music school in Ried, Upper Austria - our excellent 4rth horn).

There are two CDs available now:

"Aus unserer Heimat O.Oe," - "From our sweet Home Upper Austria Province" with 23 original quartets by Erich Pizka, all played with the authentic Viennese-F-Horn-Sound

CD  link to the CD List

Das "Erich Pizka Memorial Quartett" auf Schloss Weinberg am 21.Nov.1996 - Schnappschuss von Michael Söllner

von links:Hans Pizka (Bayerisches Staatsorchester, Staatsoper in München, 1.Horn)

Erhard Zehetner (freischaffender Hornist und Direktor der Musikschule Kremsmünster, 2.Horn)

Franz Söllner (Wiener Philharmoniker. Wiener Staatsoper, 3.Horn, frühzeitig wegen eines häuslichen Unfalles, bei dem ein Schneidezahn den Nerv der Unterlippe irreparabel durchtrennte, pensioniert, 3.Horn)

Eduard Geroldinger (freischaffender Hornist & Direktor der Musikschule in Ried, 4.Horn


"Der zweite Streich" - "The Second Prank" - other 23 horn quartets by Erich Pizka including some arrangements of music by Franz Schubert, Anton Bruckner, Franz Abt, Friedrich von Flotow, Johannes Duerner & Eduard Hermes.

© Copyright 1996/2002 by Hans Pizka - last update 29.07.2005 17:45:42