Viennese horn in F


Viennese horns are made on  order only, you know the fine "Pumpenhorns", but technically   improved.

The form case is available for € 200.- net. The bell is uncut normally..

The price remains civilized with EURO 4.310.- (Horn, Crook, Case)

Horn without the crook: € 3.900.-

F-crook (ordered separately):  € 280.-             Hard Case: € 200.-

(all prices plus 16% tax for customers within the EU European Union ).


How to maintain the valves:

Valve 3 seen from the back


Valve being pushed to action.

Valve screw (at right) loosened; one can see the black rubber ring

Screw valve caps both lose. If they don’t get lose easily, use a sharp-tongued pair of pliers, but carefully. A little piece of cloth will be helpful, not to scratch the caps.

Take both pistons (still connected) out of the valve casings. Do not be confused by the different colour of the pistons. They are of yellow brass, but this picture is manipulated to show the pistons clearly.

Before re-inserting, a drop of light valve oil on every piston is very helpful in conserving the metal surface. Should be done specially, if the horn should rest for a few days.

Care for the right order of the valves numbered 1 to 6, numbers facing to the backside of the horn. Screw all screws tight carefully. Adjust the connecting screw (seen on this picture clearly, connecting the end caps & acting as axis for the short handle (here marked with 2 – on the other valves marked with 1 or 3), where the long handle (seen between the pistons) is to be inserted & fixed with the little rubber ring & the screw, which faces to the rubber ring with the wider side. The key for this screw came with the horn, but if lost, it can be obtained in any repair tool shop. It is a hexagonal key of 2.5 mms. A mini drop of oil placed on the axis, where it touches the end caps (here numbered as 3 & 4) would be good also.

When screwing the valve caps back on place (on the valve casings), one must care, not to ruin the screw by forcing it into place. Turning it lightly until it will grips, is enough. If loosening seems to be hard, use a thin piece of cloth around these valve caps & lose them with grip from both sides. Valve caps must be screwed firmly to prevent noise.


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© 2000by Prof.Hans Pizka – last change Sept.6th, 2002