4. Horn & Orchestra (Concertos) & more MIDI samples will be integrated as hyperlinks until Dec.31st, 1998 - prices in € EURO only |
reductions for Horn & Piano: |
EURO € |
C001 |
Fridl Carl : |
Concerto ex Dis HrPno |
€ 8.- |
C001P |
Fridl Carl : |
Concerto ex Dis HrPno score (parts for hire) A bravour concerto written in the pure hand horn style the solo part leading up to the concert f''. The middle move ment is identical to the second mov. of A.Teybers first concerto. Carl Fridl seems to have been the copist only. Therefore the concert would be by anonymous. MIDI available |
€ 15.- |
C002 |
Agthe C.F.: (1796-1830) |
Grand Concerto in F (new setting) Hr/Pno - soon |
€ 10.- |
C002P |
Agthe C.F.: |
Grand Concerto in F score/partitura & parts for hire - very virtuoso like concerto, similar to Weber' s concertino. Range:g - c'''. D.Ceccarossi made a LIVE made a Live recording in his best time MIDI available - soon |
€ 25.- |
C003 |
Backofen Heinrich (1768-1839) |
Concert in F HrPno - soon new setting w/Finale |
€ 10.- |
C003P |
Backofen Heinrich (1768-1839) |
Concert in F score/partitura & parts for hire - Backofen composed for the excellent soloists at the Darmstadt Hofkapelle. This concerto is right for the ambituous low player, C to high a (written) Orchestra:fl,2 hrs, 2 bassoons,2 trpts, timp., strings - soon new setting w/Finale |
€ 20.- |
C004 |
Rosetti F.A. (1750-92): |
Concerto ex Dis per Corno secundo (Kaul 41) Hr/Pno new settings with FINALE |
€ 8.- |
C004P |
Rosetti F.A. (1750-92): |
Concerto ex Dis per Corno secundo (Kaul 41) partit/score - this firstpublication should complete the series of concertos by Rosetti. - technically quite easy. MIDI : RoDis1.MID RoDis2.MID RoDis3.MID |
€ 12.- |
C005 |
Dauprat L.F. (1781-1868): |
Concerto No.1 Hr/Pno, recorded by Zbigiev Zuk on ZUK RECORDS., rewritten with FINALE |
€ 12.- |
C005P |
Dauprat L.F. (1781-1868): |
Concerto No.1 score MIDI available, recorded by Zbigniev Zuk, rewritten with FINALE |
€ 12.- |
C008 |
Dauprat L.F. (1781-1868): |
Concerto no.4 horn & pno. - soon | € 8.- |
C008P |
Dauprat L.F. (1781-1868): |
Concerto no.4 horn & orch. , score. - soon | € |
C010 |
Strauss Franz (1822-1905): |
Hornkonzert No.2 op.14 in E-fl-maj. Hr. & Pno. rewritten with FINALE |
€ 10.- |
C010P |
Strauss Franz (1822-1905) Hornkonzert No.2 first movement (orch.) op14a.mid |
Hornkonzert No.2 op.14 in Es-Dur partitura/score - (parts for hire) Similarly as in op.8, The concerto is very melodic and shows the best range of the horn. the solohorn in F ranges between b-flat & b-flat''(concert e-flat''). MIDI available rewritten with FINALE |
€ 20.- |
HIRE MATERIAL has to be returned after use immedeately. Do not forget to include a program flyer or booklet |
C011 |
Eler Andreas (1764-1821): |
Concerto No.2 HrPno. - soon available |
€ 12.- |
C011P |
Eler Andreas (1764-1821): |
Concerto No.2 score upon request |
C014 |
Kling Henri (1842-1918): |
Concerto in F Hr/Pno well set concertstudy by the experienced hornist & teacher |
€ 10.- |
C015 |
Lewy Richard (1827-1883): |
Concertino Hr/Pno, rewritten with FINALE MIDI available LewyRi.MID |
€ 10.- |
C015P |
Lewy Richard (1827-1883): |
Concertino score/pts leihweise/hire In the early age of thirteen years, R.Lewy joined the Viennese Opera Orchestra. Together with his father E.C.Lewy he earned high merit as concert soloist on many tours throughout Europe. The short piece is very useable for students because of the moderate range from written b to a'' (in F) |
C016 | Douvernoy Frederic: | Concerto no.9 horn & piano | € 10.- |
C017 |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.14 in F Hr/Pno |
€ 10.- |
C017P |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.14 in F partitura/score (parts for hire) MIDI available I played it twice in concert at Puntos birthplace & in Guangzhou - rewritten with FINALE |
€ 15.- |
C019 |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.11 in E Hr/Pno |
€ 10.- |
C019P |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.11 in E partitura/score (parts for hire) This concerto has been recorded . by Barry Tuckwell and by Andrew Joy |
€ 15.- |
C020 |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.3 Hr/Pno |
€ 8.- |
C020P |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.3 , partitur/score (:parts for hire) recorded by J.Petras for the Czech Radio & V.Klanska for Supraphon |
€ 15.- |
C021 |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.6 Hr/Pno MIDI available, rewritten with FINALE |
€ 10.- |
C021P |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.6 partitura/score , recorded by Barry Tuckwell |
€ 15.- |
C022 |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803) |
:Concerto No.10 HrPno |
€ 10.- |
C022P |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803): |
Concerto No.10 H:partitura/score Again a concerto for the allround hornist. St.Karaivanov arranged the pianoreduction & composed the cadenza. Vladimira Klanska recorded this concerto for SUPRAPHON |
€ 15.- |
C023 |
Pokorny Franz Xaver (1729-94) |
Concerto per il Corno 2do.princ.(160) Hr/Pno, rewritten with FINALE |
€ 10.- |
C023P |
Pokorny Franz Xaver (1729-94) |
Concerto per il Corno 2do princ.(160) part./score (parts for hire) very ambitious concerto demanding all tricks from the lower hornist. |
€ 15.- |
C024 |
Punto, Giovanni J.W.Stich) (1746-1803) |
:Concerto No.8 od.13 Horn (in E-fl.) Hr/Pno rewritten w/Finale now |
€ 9.- |
C024P : |
Punto, Giovanni (J.W.Stich) (1746-1803) |
:Concerto No.8 od.13Horn (in E-fl.) part./score (Sti./parts leihweise/hire) |
€ 15.- |
SC025a |
Strauss Franz : (1822-1905) |
Nocturno op.7 arr. for Horn & Strings this arrangement by F. Gabler is a very good encore piece after the Strauss concertos |
€ 12.- |
C026 |
Lindtpaintner, Peter von (1791-1856) |
Concertino in F Hr/Pno. |
€ 10.- |
C026P |
Lindtpaintner, Peter von (1791-1856) |
Concertino in F detto sc/part.leih/hire - :parts for hire op.43: C - c''' (in E) Lindtpaintner, a good composer & excellent conductor, had one of the Schuncke brothers as principal hornist at Stuttgart, for whom he composed these concerts. Franz Nauber has arranged the pianoparts., rewritten with FINALE |
C027 |
Lindtpaintner, Peter von (1791-1856): |
Concertino in E op.43 Hr/Pno. |
€ 10.- |
C027P |
Lindtpaintner, Peter von (1791-1856): |
Concertino in E op.43 score for rent only |
C028 |
Dimmler Anton: |
Concerto in Es Hr/Pno. |
€ 10.- |
C028P |
Dimmler Anton: |
Concerto in Es score (parts for rent) fis' bis d''' (sound f'' Horn in Es). Dimmler belonged to the Mannheim hornplayer family and was an excellent hornist himself. This concerto in E-flat stands on the turn-ing point between handhorn- & early valvehorntime. It is written for a special higher hornist with its range from concert a to g''. Stoyan Karaivanov has arranged the pianopart and written cadenzas. |
€ 15.- |
C029P |
Oestreich Carl (1801-1840): |
Concerto in F, score Allegro vivace-Adagio non troppo-Allegretto G - a'' |
€ 15.- |
C030P |
Benker Heinz: |
Concertino "Nostalgia" leih/for rent - :parts for rent This nice concertino by the Munich composer Benker (born 1921), has been premiered by Hans Pizka, to whom it is dedicated. It is written in a medium grade of difficulty. |
HIRE MATERIAL has to be returned after use immedeately. Do not forget to include a program flyer or booklet |
K036 | Roeth J.P.: | Concerto in F horn & Piano | € 5.50 |
C40 |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.1 horn & piano | € 8.- |
C40P |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.1 Partitur/score - soon The parts are for hire |
€ 15.- |
C041 |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.2 horn & piano | € 8.- |
C041P |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.2 Partitur/score The parts are for hire |
€ 15.- |
C042 |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.3 horn & piano | € 8.- |
C042P |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.3 Partitur/score The parts are for hire |
€ 15.- |
C043 |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.4 horn & piano | € 8.- |
C043P |
Carl Matys: |
Konzertstueck N.4 Partitur/score The parts are for hire |
€ 15.- |
C40-43S |
Carl Matys: |
performance material for rent only , all four concertos |
C40-43 |
Carl Matys: |
all four Concertos for horn & piano - each |
€ 8.- |
C044 |
Rosetti F.A. : |
Concerto No.16 in Es parts for rent |
C045 |
Sua Jong Khong: |
Chines. Hornkonzert "Nostalgia" score (parts for rent) |
C046 |
Zeller Georg : |
Concertino Hr/Pno (komponiert f. Josef Reiter - comp.f.J.Reiter |
€ 6.- |
C047 |
Kiel August : |
Koncert - very demanding concerto requiring the full range. R.Vlatkovic & Radek Baborak played it in spectacular performance 1986/1994. |
€ 12.- |
C047P |
Kiel August: |
Konzert for Horn, full score - rental material available , rewritten with FINALE |
€ 30.- |
C048 |
Mengal J.B. : |
Solo pour Cor(LELOIR) Hr/Pno firstpublication - the performance material will be available (for hire) soon. |
€ 8.- |
C048P |
Mengal J.B. : |
Solo pour Cor(LELOIR) score firstpublication - the performance material will be available (for hire) soon. |
€ 15.- |
C049 |
Lewy Joseph Rudolph: |
Concertino Hr/Pno J.R.Lewy, brother to E.C. Lewy of Vienna (Beethoven' s Nineth), he was the famous hornplayer in Dresden through Wagner' s early time. firstpublication (LELOIR) |
€ 6.- |
C050 |
Rosetti F.A.??: |
Hornkonzert (Melk ) Hr/Pno Gottfried Freiberg has arranged the pianoreduction from parts, which are preserved in the MELK library under the name MOZART. But it seems, that this is again a concerto by Rosetti, because the similarity to the d-minor concerto is obvious. |
€ 10.- |
C050P | Rosetti F.A.??: | Hornkonzert (Melk ) full score; same as above, parts for rent | € 24.- |
C051P |
Schebalin W.: |
Concertino partitura , (soon) with permission by RAO Moscow |
€ 25.- |
C051Pts | Schebalin W.: | Concertino, parts available for rent | |
C051 |
Schebalin W.: |
Concertino for horn & piano available now, interesting, not difficult, rewritten with FINALE |
€ 10.- |
C052 |
Suttner Josef (1871-1974) |
Concerto - just a few remaining copies |
€ 8.- |
C53 | Joh.Anton Andre(1775-1842) | Hornconcerto w/Piano - very nice challenging concerto | €12.- |
C53P | Joh.Anton Andre | Hornconcerto partitura Andre1.MID Andre2.MID Andre3.MID - Orchestra material for hire | € 30.- |
C054 |
Mengal Martin Joseph: |
Concerto op.20 (LELOIR) |
€ 8.- |
C054P |
Mengal Martin Joseph: |
Concerto op.20 score upon request |
C55 |
Gliere Reinhold (1875-1956): |
Concerto op.91 in Bb-maj. for horn & orch., full score with permission by RAO Moscow & Sikorski Hamburg |
€ 35.- |
C55a |
Gliere Reinhold (1875-1956):
Concerto op.91 in Bb-maj., horn &
piano, incl. both cadenzas by Hermann Baumann & Valery Polekh |
€ 18.- |
Back to frontpage http://www.pizka.de/index.html Back to Sitemap http://www.pizka.de/Sitemap.html |
C56 |
Joh.Val.Rathgeber (1682-1750) |
hornconcerto available soon, revision by Edmond Leloir - horn & orchestra, score |
€ 15.- |
C56a |
Joh.Val.Rathgeber (1682-1750) |
hornconcerto available soon, revision by Edmond Leloir - horn & piano |
€ 10.- |
C57a | Agostino Belloli (1778-1839) | Concerto per Corno in Fa - partitura - Firstpubl. | € 20.- |
C59P | Strauss Franz: | Fantasie over the "Sehnsuchtswalzer" score | € 24.- |